Category: Uncategorized
2022 Update
It has been a long time since this site was updated so making a start today.
Linear Obsessional Self Isolating Compilation
It is really great to be a small part of this wonderful compilation.
The measure of all circles
A version of the piece “The measure of all things is the breath” , this version has a sequence of images of lights found in lifts on the docklands light railway. The sound is all generated using a Sibelius version of the score (Score is in the SOUNDS section of this website) which has then been performed using a series of live Ableton patches.
This is the Website of Duncan Chapman
(Photo © Paul Q /
Some interests include …………………………..
listening , invented instruments, sounds, places, noise, participation, performance, electronics, backwards, underwater sound, repetition, thresholds of perception, psychoacoustics, field recordings, hydrophones, binaural recording, sound mapping, installations, movement, interfaces , live electronics, orchestral textures, improvisation , devised musics, circuit bending, vegetables as instruments, long durations, extreme musics, ultra minimalism, repetition (again), “dirty electronics”, site specific performance, collaboration, hacked electronics, radio, sonification, visualisation, timestretching, film, private musics, infrasound, game structures for composition, nocturnal sound events, music as a place to be, education, sounds of the universe, science / art collaboration music for and with dance, sonic art, organ pipes, acoustics, music and architecture, notation………………..
some of this is here
……………………………………………………….and some is elsewhere