Sound of whenever

A series of seemingly random sounds that build up into an essential collection of sonic experiences

#23: long bass……… a slow melody played on the bass guitar into a patch that creates something bigger

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#22: Insectorium……. reworking of some old material towards something new

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#21: Driven by bass……… some experiments to take my mind of my cold !

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#20:More Bleeps and Bloops……. after spending days making a piece for Soundspiral a few moments of calm before writing the rest of the symphony for the London Mozart Players……

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#19: How it’s made , Sound Spiral

As part of my work on this project,( made this version of the midi file in the style of the legendary “How it’s made” ……… all it needs is an endless film of an obscure industrial process !

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#18: Starting residua

After editing a heap of audio, these were the bits at the start of each file that I discarded….

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#17: Vocoded Rhythm experiment ………… (Crispy insects !)

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#16: Piano loops for Jess, made as part of the Open Ears project for the 2011 Spitalfields Winter Festival 

a fragment of Debussy’s Voilles for the laptop orchestra.

Played by Jessica Maryon – Davies

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#15 Randomette: I don’t usually do this kind of cheesy techno thing  but have been learning how do do various random tricks in Live for some forthcoming gigs so dropping various found samples into a template that will manipulate them controlled via monome etc etc apologies for the pseudo Underworld fakery !

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#14 : Bass Mulch: a series of experiments that will lead to a set of pieces for different instruments with “Ghost electronics”, this one is using bass guitar playing a very slow simple melody.

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#13 Pig Chillout in a tree : a sneak preview of one of the pieces that will be part of a Sonic Treasure Hunt at the Spitalfields City Farm on the 18th of June. This piece was designed for the pigs as a calm environment for them by Cameron and Chingwa.

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#12 Rheingold Stretch : A very long version of the opening of Wagner’s Rheingold. The first 3:57″ stretched to last 1:25:55″ (that’s nearly and hour and a half) the opening plays first forwards then half way reverses and plays backwards. Here is a random minute from the first part (space issues make having the whole file a bit impractical !)

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#11 Gnome 2 : another monome improvisation with a harmonics generator and a mix of random and defined events. Getting close to something I might perform with ? This uses the wonderful Polygome for the monome by Stretta 

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#10 Monday night blink, having fixed the software problem with my monome i’ve been building software environments to improvise with. This one uses a harmonics generator and granular processing with a mixture of fixed and random events so that playing it is like trying to keep hold of a slippy fish !

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#9 B & F# Playing with a new Faderfox controller and Audiomulch starting with La Monte Young and going somewhere else

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#8 Contact mic accordion, left hand buttons experiment January 2011

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#7 French Thunderstorm , recorded in a tent @ 4am in Etuales near Marenne Summer 2010

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#6 Knife & Beam, from soundtrack made with Elektrodome as part of the “Transformations” project  Bristol 1999

(more information @

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#5 A short bit of Gender with pitch shift (and background kitchen noises) from “Triggered” Gamelan, Live Electronics and Dance installation @ RFH Summer 2001

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#4 The first half a second of all the tracks in the folder called “music” in my MP3 player November 2009

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